Beskyttelse af personlige oplysninger

Læs denne politik til beskyttelse af personlige oplysninger ("Politik") omhyggeligt for at forstå, hvordan vi bruger og beskytter dine personlige oplysninger. Denne politik beskriver de personlige oplysninger, vi indsamler om dig, hvorfor vi indsamler dem, og hvordan vi bruger dem. Vores politik beskriver også de valg, du kan tage for, hvordan vi indsamler og bruger dine oplysninger. Vi vil ikke indsamle eller dele dine personlige oplysninger med nogen undtagen som beskrevet i denne politik. 

Denne politik gælder for ("Webstedet").

Om valutakontakt

"Ved at bruge vores websted accepterer du (den besøgende) at give tredjeparter mulighed for at behandle din IP-adresse for at bestemme din placering med henblik på valutakonvertering. Du accepterer også at have den valuta gemt i en session cookie i din browser (en midlertidig cookie, der automatisk fjernes, når du lukker din browser). Vi gør dette for, at den valgte valuta forbliver valgt og konsistent, når du gennemser vores websted, så priserne kan konverteres til din (den besøgende) lokale valuta. "

OPMÆRKSOMHED. Vær opmærksom på, at brug af vores app eller bare tilføjelse af ovenstående tekst til din privatlivspolitik ikke automatisk vil gøre din butiks GDPR-kompatibel. Du bliver nødt til at sikre dig, at din virksomhed er GDPR-kompatibel under alle aspekter. Hvis du har brug for yderligere rådgivning med hensyn til, hvad du skal gøre for at sikre, at din virksomhed også overholder GDPR-reglerne, har Shopify nogle rigtig gode guider.

Hvilken slags oplysninger indsamler vi?

1.Information du giver os

If you choose to create an account on the Website, review one of our products or enter any of our contests, giveaways, or surveys, we will ask you to input certain information so that we can authenticate your account and provide you with necessary notifications. This information could include: your name, e-mail address, and a password.

When you place an order on the Website, we will ask you to input certain information in order for us to process and perform your order, including: your name, e-mail address, billing address, delivery shipping address, telephone number, product selections, shopping preferences, credit card or other payment information and a password.

If you choose to post messages in our chatrooms, bulletin boards, product reviews, or other message areas, if provided, we collect the messages you post and use information you provide to improve this Website and our products and services, provide thorough customer service, and follow up on Website visitors who may be violating our policies or abusing our system. When you post messages, other Website visitors can also view them. We may also publish transcripts of archived chats. We urge you to exercise caution when providing personally identifiable financial or other information in the chatrooms, bulletin boards, product reviews or other message areas. Remember that any information you disclose in these areas becomes public information.

2.Information, vi modtager fra andre kilder

We also work closely with third parties (including, for example, business partners, sub-contractors in technical, payment and delivery services, advertising networks, analytics providers) to fulfill your orders and may receive information about you from them.

Hvordan bruger vi dine oplysninger?

Our primary goal in collecting your information is to provide you with a personalized, relevant, and positive experience with this Website. We use the personal information you provide about yourself, for example, when placing an order for the Service. ZAPAKA will not sell, rent, or lease your personal information to others, except to the extent necessary to fulfill your order for the Service, to provide you with other services or as set forth in this policy.

Information you give us. We will use this information to carry out our obligations arising from any contracts entered into between you and us and to provide you with the information, products and services that you request from us. We may share your information with business partners, suppliers and sub-contractors for the performance of any contract we enter into with them or you.

Information we collect about you. We will use pseudonymized and/or aggregated portions of your information:
to administer the Website and for internal operations, including data analysis, testing, research, statistical and survey purposes;to improve the Website to ensure that content is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your computer; and as part of our efforts to keep the Website safe and secure.

We ask that, unless specifically requested, you not send us, and you not disclose, any sensitive personal information (e.g., Social Security numbers, information related to racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion or other beliefs, health, biometrics or genetic characteristics, criminal background or trade union membership) on or through the website or otherwise to us.

We may combine personal data collected at this Website with other information you have provided us through other sources or with non-personal information that we automatically collected at this Website (as further described in this policy).

We use your email address to answer email we receive from you and to provide status updates for the Service. We will not share your email address with outside parties except as set forth in this policy.

Third-Party Web Beacons. We may use third-party web beacons to collect non-identifiable and/or pseudonymized data in order to help analyze where visitors go and what they do while visiting our website, which non-identifiable data may be shared with third parties. We may also use non-identifiable and/or pseudonymized data about your visits to this and other websites in order to improve our products and services and provide advertisements about goods and services that may be of interest to you.

We require that all third parties with whom we share identifiable data treat your personal information as fully confidential and to fully comply with all applicable privacy laws and regulations.

We may disclose your personal information to third parties:
If we are acquired by a third party, in which case personal data held by us about our customers will be one of the transferred assets.
If substantially all of our assets are acquired by a third party, in which case personal data held by us about our customers may be one of the transferred assets.
If we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal data in order to comply with any legal obligation, or in order to enforce or apply our terms of website use or terms and conditions of supply and other agreements; or to protect the rights, property, or safety of us, our customers, or others.

Opting-in for Promotional Emails. You can register on this Website to receive promotions and updates on new products and services, or to be contacted for market research purposes. The contact information you submit will not be used for these purposes unless you specifically "opt-in.” You can control your privacy preferences regarding such marketing communications.

Contests and Sweepstakes. From time to time, you may be invited to participate in optional customer surveys or contests, and ZAPAKA may request that you provide some or all of the above listed personal information in those surveys or contests. We use information collected through contests to contact winners and award prizes. Your participation in contests may also opt you in to receive newsletter communications, which you can unsubscribe from at any time. We also use information collected from surveys to learn about our customers in order to improve our services and develop new products and services of interest to our customers.

ZAPAKA uses IP addresses, cookies, clear gifs, browser detection, and weblogs to provide a better experience on this Site and to give us useful business information. Third party technologies such as cookies may also be used for the same purposes.

ZAPAKA may also contract with unaffiliated third parties to provide services for the Site, such as software for Site features, customer communications, sweepstakes and prize fulfillment, analyzing and evaluating the information we collect, and other services. When we do this, we may provide your personally identifiable information to third parties only to provide those services, and they are not authorized to use your personally identifiable information for any other purpose.

Hvad er cookies? Hvordan bruger du cookies på webstedet?

A cookie is a small data file that websites often store on your computer's hard drive when you visit their sites. A cookie may contain information, such as a unique user ID that websites use to track the pages of the sites you've visited.

We use cookies to provide shopping cart functionality, remember account login state, and provide visual data elements that only you see on pages of the web site. For example, we may store your first name so that it can be shown back to you as you browse our web site.

We also use pixel tags to collect non-identifiable and/or pseudonymized information about how you view the Website. A pixel tag is an invisible tag placed on a website, but not on your device, for the purpose of tracking activity on that website. When you access those pages of the Website, pixel tags generate a notice of that visit. Pixel tags usually work in conjunction with cookies.You can manage your cookie settings

Vores forpligtelse til datasikkerhed

Access to your data is limited to authorized ZAPAKA staff and vendors and restricted by password protection mechanisms. We process all Service orders on a secure server that encrypts all financial information through Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). Although total security does not exist on the Internet, ZAPAKA shall make commercially reasonable efforts to safeguard the information that you submit to ZAPAKA. We will not store your credit card information in our database unless you provide us such information for use with the Service. Credit card numbers are used for processing payments only and for no other purposes.

Dine databehandlingsrettigheder

We take reasonable steps to help ensure that the personal information we collect from you is accurate, complete and current. You may request access to your personal information and request that erroneous or inaccurate personal information be updated. You may also request that your personal information and Website account be deleted. You may invoke these rights by contacting us via email at We will respond promptly to your requests in accordance with applicable law. For your protection, we may will only implement requests with respect to the personal information associated with the e-mail address that you use to send us your request, and we may need to verify your identity before implementing your request. We may decline to process requests that jeopardize the privacy of others, are extremely impractical, or would cause us to take any action that is not permissible under applicable laws. Additionally, as permitted by applicable laws, we may need to retain certain personal information for a longer period for recordkeeping purposes, such as retaining records relating to your purchases for warranty or accounting purposes.

Hvordan fjerner jeg mine oplysninger fra e-mail-, telefon- og postforsendelseslister?

We want to communicate with you only if you want to hear from us. If you prefer not to receive information from us, please let us know at any time by either e-mail or postal mail, or by using the "opt-out" instructions link provided at the bottom of in each promotional e-mail. If you contact us by e-mail or postal mail, please be sure to include your e-mail address and full name.

In addition, if you ask us to remove your name and address from our e-mail or postal mailing list, we will have to maintain your name in a "do not contact" file to ensure that we can honor your request.

Hvad med links til andre websteder og tjenester?

The Website may contain links to other sites that are not under our control. These websites have their own policies regarding privacy. You should review those policies before visiting the websites. We have no responsibility for linked websites, and we provide these links solely for the convenience and information of our visitors.

Spor ikke

Du har muligheden for at aktivere dine browserindstillinger til "Spor ikke." Dette gøres signal til websteder, annoncenetværk og plug-in-udbydere om dine browsepræferencer. Dette websted reagerer ikke i øjeblikket på browsersignalet Må ikke spores.


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